BIC-AVERA Participated in World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Event

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- 17 May 2021 –


Brahim Laytous, department head of BIC-AVERA was invited to provide a presentation on the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Event on 17 May 2021. 


During his presentation Mr. Laytouss stressed the importance of religious leaders by how they exert as role models either a positive or negative influence on world peace and the future of humanity.  Today there are a wide variety of international issues and challenges humanity is facing and an alarming trend towards (religious and other forms of) polarization, radicalization, extremism and increasing international humanitarian crises, - as if much of humanity has lost it moral compass, including religious leaders.  Therefore, interfaith dialogue has never been more important, with the role of religion to connect people together. 

Mr. Laytouss acknowledged that religion has often been at the heart of many conflicts, even today, as for example the Middle East conflict.  However, what often appears as a religious conflict is on closer look rather political, economically, or cultural in which religion is deliberately distorted and utilized for personal gain.  Moreover, he emphasized, that we should not forget the positive impact religion had and still has as the foundation of morality in civil society. 


Giving the example of Islam, Mr. Laytouss stated that religion does not focus on benefiting one group at the expense of the other, but instead provides teachings and wisdom to benefit the whole of creation and humankind.  God has created different religions only so that they could compete in virtue, allowing them to demonstrate which path provides the most noble characters and harmonious societies.  None also holds a monopoly on the truth, and all should learn from each other. 


Unfortunately, today often divisive, and radical distortions of religion color the headlines.  To overcome this Mr. Laytouss proposes to focus on two areas.  The first is return to the essence of religions and what they share, in particularly regarding the place of humankind in creation.  The second is to infer from there what are the implications for righteous living, providing practical solutions for 21st century issues. 


Finally, Mr. Laytouss stressed that the result of interfaith dialogue should be measured by the quality of religious leaders it facilitates and produce responsible leaders who compete on virtue, who provide meaning, guidance and practical solutions on an individual, local and global level.




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