Sudan’s Fragile Transition: Toward a Gender-Sensitive Approach

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Larry Waknine


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Women were at the forefront of the Sudanese Revolution (they accounted for an estimated 70% of protesters), protesting systemic gender injustices and the rampant nature of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). The transitional government has undertaken legal reforms to address these demands but could risk leading an incomplete fight against SGBV unless pertinent measures for practical implementation are adopted. Moreover, women’s overwhelming presence in a revolution fueled by public discontent regarding the state of the economy is also explained by the gendered nature of economic inequalities and indicates the importance of moving the narrative beyond SGBV. Addressing the roots of the problem requires a comprehensive understanding of structural inequality.


Read the full report (PDF)



> Sudan’s government has shown commitment to addressing gender-injustices but needs a practical implementation strategy.


> The state of the economy, coupled with the COVID-19 crisis, creates a particularly threatening situation for many women, notably those working in the informal sector.


> CSOs are essential to a peaceful transition and can help ensure that the principal stakeholders of social programs, like the FSP, have their needs met effectively.


> Institutional reforms are still awaited but might not suffice to tipping the balance of power toward civilian control.