Series of recordings in Studio Ter Elst in Antwerp with as topic National Security, Radicalism, and Terrorism under the title “Disarmed”.

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The Brussels International Center for Research and Human Rights (BIC - RHR) is honoured to announce the kick-off of a series of recordings in Studio Ter Elst in Antwerp with as topic national security, radicalism, and terrorism under the title “Disarmed”.


The recordings are centred around Mr. Koen Metsu and Mr. Julien De Wit new book “Disarmed – an unequal battle”, through conducting studio interviews with experts about the main topics of the book.  Those include Islamic and other forms of radicalisation, terrorism, and other security threats by providing a thorough analysis and outlooks and presenting possible solutions.  In the book itself the authors also talk to witnesses, victims, and experts. As such, the reader gets a unique look behind the scenes at the security services in Belgium and Europe.


Testimonials and interviews include:


Catherine De Bolle (Europol)

Paul Van Tichelt (OCAD)

Philippe Van Steenkiste (V- Europe)

Brahim Laytouss (BIC-RH)

Marc Cools and Walter Damen (UG)

Geert de Decker (Defense)

Heidi de Pauw (Childfocus)

Emmy Burms (Experience Expert)


The French and English translations of the book, currently available in Dutch under the title “Ontwapend – een ongelijke strijd” (uitgeverij De Doorbraak) will soon be published through the Brussels international Center for Research and Human Rights (BIC–HR).

Read the PDF here